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Asked by: Glenn Hawkins
Question: I present three laws of precession.

FIRST LAW: Push an acting gyro in any direction and the reaction is deflected at 90o into precession.

SECOND LAW: The ratios of centripetal and centrifugal are constants and never change, whether they occur during precession, or otherwise.

THIRD LAW: Precession is the result of equal and opposite force, but the nature of opposite is deflected to an offset at a distance.

Push a gyro in any direction by any means, it makes no difference, but in this illustration set the active gyro on a pedestal and let the force be applied by gravity. The gyro resist angular tilting and responds by torque (twisting) down on the pedestal equal to the applied force. The pedestal pushes back equal to the torque. Action and reaction then occur equally, except that their opposite nature of direction occurs offset at a distance, because of torque. Force is equal and opposite, but their directions are oppositely displaced in a way that does not occur anywhere else in nature.

Date: 10 December 2008
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Answers (Ordered by Date)

Answer: PATRICK - 11/12/2008 04:31:19

This could be my last input to this site, yipee i hear in the back ground of the more intalect.The main of my dialog was to bring arrise to disagreements not to sharpen my spelling as im sure luis is cappable of and that of spell check a simple program that even english teachers use themselves.

I see static balance point mentioned alot, it took me a while but i think i know what that is but that is something that in a way i did not have as the outer was never and is never static as it relies upon yes 4 what or4WHAT I KEEP 4A WHILE N IF THAT BECOME OR SURCOME TO CAUSE AN INTIMIDATION OF SECLUTION to others then so be it.

LUIS states 15 11 2008 "we know you cannot get more than is put into a system"
well words used show intalect... A 2.4 litre porsh engine gives 164 horse power.YET add a turbo made up of a smaller turbine spun by exhaust gasses passing by an axel to a larger turbine condencing intake air to compress and cool via intercooler to ram forced air into an engine that undergoes a 4 stroke cycle give more innitial psi fuel air mixture.

The system was not changed in any way yet 292 horse power was produced by taking an allready running module,using its waste energy in this case the air flow of waste gasses of the engine, and via a turbine being pushed on by airflow to add smaller than its by axel connected larger tubine that condenses air and creates psi at the intake to have got more out of the system for nothing given.

Flutter and wobble i do not understand, in my module there is no wobble nor a beloved balance point, I DO NOT HEAR ANY USE OF the compressed air that gives directional ballance or thrust which also is a by product of fluidicidal perpetual motion within a module of repultion of entireaty of gravitational mass creating its very own feild of oposition.Glenn i purposely went over the top there! for others.

Besides compressed air used to lift a gyro maybee i outa say blud 2 dem bout da internal conical s**t dat is hollow luis, and that its so ard 2 explain but as the fing is so neggative it attracts possitrons but in its repultion of electrons forces them to the centre and in this spinning state can stream down onto maybe plutonium 369 explode into a 2 +2 +2+2+2+entraped and channeled this force of air if used secondary will leave its mark 2 b read.

Glenn i will be intouch after christmas,have a family bliss. PS just upset by luis.

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Answer: Albert Einstein - 11/12/2008 14:38:47
 FOURTH LAW: Don't believe crackpots!

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Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 11/12/2008 15:12:50
 You ignorant, stupid, unidentified, sneaking coward with nothing of value to offer, or argue. You know you are a coward.

Glenn Hawkins

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Answer: Stephen Hawking - 11/12/2008 17:43:36
 SIXTH LAW: Don't read anything from crackpots!

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Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 11/12/2008 18:07:18

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Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 11/12/2008 18:11:14
 Hello Patrick,

I add another big yippee to your yippee for all English teachers and Luis. That’s funny, Patrick.

I was pleased to be instructed in how Porsche increased the horse power and very probably the fuel economy in the 2.4 liter engine. How truly excellent of you. That is a lesson for the big oil companies and Luis and all strident, exacting English teachers to fear. Yippee!

Strike a match and you have a little heat. Cause that match-head to explode it’s nuclear energy and you’ll burn half your town down. It is all a matter of the means of efficiency. How much of one kind of energy can you extract by what method. The answer is never all of it. If you could recapture the remnant rays from a nuclear explosion and convert them back to the material state (match-head) they came from, nothing would have been lost. The efficiency of a gyroscope, or anything else is what? I believe there will always be a more efficient way to make the reaction, the change, the conversion, or to redirect any form of energy than will ever be discovered nuclear explosions not withstanding. It might be better to simply restate what those teachers taught us. Yippee! (Sorry I can’t help it. It’s funny.) They taught us that ‘Energy is never destroyed, but only converted.’. So how much energy can you get out of something- - always more than you get, never all of it, and never more than there was available.

Let me take a little time to look at the rest of your writing. And yes of course in the main time, yippee! again.

Merry Christmas and Happy Tidings

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Answer: PATRICK - 14/12/2008 08:49:22
 In life u can always get more out than u put in,it is always possible. I c no aswer at all 2 compressed air from a turbine driven perpetually by magnetics,The plain and simple strive of eric himself....yet all i see is that the main refer in an all bilingual manner without answering anything strait up as if to hide contraversy in an childish manner of conveyance between.Which in itself shows fear and delay of correspondence to have the extra time to evaluate and arrive at an answer that will enable an only selfish satisfaction in an undermining responce.But when an instant answer is not given then obviously a statement is made and is simply laid to bare all.

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Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 14/12/2008 16:59:08

The experience of life and living is emotional and material. The study and products of dynamics and engineering are solid mechanical properties. What you get in life is one thing, but in mechanics you cannot get something for nothing. You cannot get more than there is. You can’t get more energy than there is available. If you wish to win the perpetually argument you have to take on all the scientist and engineers in the world. You convince them and they’ll convince me, ok?

You use these words on me: hide, childish, fear, selfish satisfaction. That is because of your impatience to have a gift given to you of an exact kind you want from someone who owes you nothing.

Nevertheless I sympathize with your impatience and need for concrete answers, because I think I think I understand you a little bit. In some areas you mind works ten times faster than everyone else’s, doesn’t it?

“. . .bilingual conveyance”, you say? I have been noticing for some time your choice of words not usually used, though you use them correctly. What city do you liven, Pat? Is your native languish English?

Draw your ideas as completely, totally, and perfectly as you can. You have my address. And Patrick, the next time you experience an overwhelming urge to insult someone, choose a target other than myself. Harry and Luis are available for that. That’s why they’ve been provided for us here.

Now you behave yourself. Regain your since of humor, never lose that and always first remember you are a human dealing with other humans.

Cordially Yours, Your Pal,

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Answer: PATRICK - 16/12/2008 23:26:12

I put because yes. I do i suppose get arrogant and of which i appologise to you. My typing has started to have less fury in its speed.
Yet tonight looking over my entries over time and reactions of others and how my entry at any time creates a talked about conveyance.
I did say my last forum input may be my last but i do have the urge to look in and look back over all scripture not only of my own but all. Paranoia of oneself can be an infliction 2 have 2 speradicaly reply in conflict....Admitance i give 2 state that 4 where ourt where my acceptance of indemnity will fall.

But all in all my spelling my illiteracy,my behavior in the forum i most thank u Glenn for ure acceptance and giving a chance 2 a less interlect of conveyance.

I will for sure post writen word as only today i sort through boxes 2 prepare for xmas in tidying cupbourds "was that spelt corectly as cup boards is better as clossets or places with doors to me" but anyhow my many drawings and lifes writings and books lay b4 me.

IN fact hey i will create a posting now instead of finger typing.


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