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24 April 2024 14:07

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Asked by: Alan Bachers
Subject: Nested gyroscopes
Question: This may be a way newbie question, but I wonder what would happen if a smaller gyroscope were put on the inside of a larger one on the same plane to each other (or maybe perpendicular), and they were spun anti-clockwise to each other. Would it be the case that greater stability would occur, and what would be the consequences of altering the speed of each?
Date: 26 September 2011
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Answers (Ordered by Date)

Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 19/10/2011 15:31:03
This is a fascinating question I don't recall seeing anywhere before. The larger force would prevail, but in a horizontal, over-hanging set-up, one would apply lift while the other applied a faster descend force toward the table. You can see this happening when a gyro is in precession and is pushed to make it go faster. It will rise. Conversely, when you slow precession as with your finger, the gyro will fall faster. It is completely probable that the larger force of the dominant gyro would be compelled to act as if it's flywheel rotation were slower than it really is. One gyro would weaken the other, you see, and therefore the dominant one, or rather both, would exhibit countering forces and began falling faster and precessing faster in the orbit of the dominant.

Such as that would lessen the hovering force, not increase it.

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