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27 July 2024 09:57

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Asked by: jessica
Subject: Dynamical tuned gyroscope for sell
Question: we are China supplier for the gyro product,

DTG-E1 Dynamically Tuned Gyroscope 2
DTG-E2 Gyroscope for dynamic well logging
DTG-E3 Precision strapdown flexible gyroscope
DTG-E3B Precision strapdown flexible gyroscope
DTG-E5 High-speed strapdown flexible gyroscope
DTG-E6 Dynamically Tuned Gyro Sensor

For Application of our inertial sensor (Dynamical Tuned Gyroscope), We supply to our clients in China Aerospace, Industry, civil application, and have mainly supplied foreign customers for oil & gas directional drilling fields (Components for borehole surveying instrument, MWD Tools, civil aviatio, etc.)

Should you have any interest or need, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Best regards,

Jessica Zhang

Ericco International Limited
Address: Room 1603, Sigma mansion, GaoXin Road,Xi’An,China
Phone: 029-87545860 Ext.603
E-mail: ericco186@163.com
Date: 2 February 2012
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