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18 February 2025 22:37

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Asked by: Mon
Subject: I want to know
Question: Can the centripetal force of a gyroscpe can be apply for propulsion??
Date: 18 March 2012
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Answers (Ordered by Date)

Answer: Momentus - 20/03/2012 11:51:36
 The short answer is no, a gyroscope does not have any centripetal acceleration. There is no force present pushing the flywheel of a precessing offset gyroscope towards its centre of rotation


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Answer: Mon Leyson - 21/03/2012 14:28:13
 Thank You Very Much Momentus! I got it Now!!


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Answer: Patrick - 28/03/2012 01:47:00
 r u sure.no realy sure.

Glenn i will back up this and so sorry many appart from u ignored this

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Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 06/04/2012 06:00:01
 Hi Mon, Welcome aboard,

There is no such thing as centripetal force. Think of two huge balls in space. They are held together by a chain and rotated. That is call binary rotation, or binary orbit when two stars rotate around one another held together by the mutual pull of gravity.

So these balls rotate around one another held together by a chain. Each tries to break away from the other, that is each pulls outward against one another. Now think of the chain breaking in the center and Hercules rushes in to hold the two ends pieces of the broken chains. He holds and the balls continue to rotate around one another. The idea of centripetal is that Hercules is pulling the balls inward. That is centrifuge, an inward pull. But Hercules is not pulling. He is holding. If he lets go of one chain he will be pulled away into space by the other ball. The idea of centripetal is that all the particles, or balls are pulled into the center of rotation. But of course that is not true. The balls on the out side of rotation pull outwardly against one another. This is why centripetal is called a fictitious force. It is fiction. It isn't real.

Why dose an overhung gyroscope follow a circular path around a pivot point? There is no chain to pull it inward. Why then does it precisely rotate around a fixed place in space (a spot on the table) and never move away? The answer is as I have been saying, deflections push the gyroscopes inward with always the exact amount of force. I have explained on here how that works a couple of time.


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