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26 April 2024 05:27

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Asked by: Glenn Hawkins
Subject: I want my momentum
Question: One thing I've known forever. Each graduation of the wheel into a new tilt extinguishes all carry-over force. The wheel has been tilted into a new plain. It cannot bring forward and add to it's tilt velocity. The condition of tilting is not like compressing a spring either, where energy is conserved. Once the energy from a graduated distance of drop is used, the show is over unless more energy is added. This is why all speeds and all action remain relatively slow and constant during precession, while dead weight and all mass under normal conditions constantly increase their fall speed into gravity. It is a system of always starting all over.

When the precessed wheel touches down and begins rolling around the pivot on the table, it encounters opposite deflections, which begin stopping the rolling like breaks. Any carry-over from precessed momentum is stopped. This is true in all examples I can think of.

To avoid using powered energy needlessly, precession should be driven from a beginning force to an ending force almost instantly, but not quite as over and done with as a hammer blow, a little slower.

The precessed wheel will act like rotation, if just before the end of a graduated precession, while force is still acting, the pivot is kicked in the parallel direction of the plain of the forward wheel rotation. It acts like a sling-shot, like a rotated object on a string when the string breaks. The wheel is free to travel linearly. It is then in motion, readied to deliver it's pay-load of momentum into a driving collision, initiated from a right angle and producing no rearward reaction.

Beautiful isn't, all the unknown things.

Date: 21 May 2012
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