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Asked by: Keith Dobson
Subject: The Whole Thing.....
Question: Hi,

Not realy a question just observations about the whole dame thing, I discovered your web site whilst looking for a gimic, the whirling top that levitates through magnetisim. I could not however avoid reading the entire website very compelling.

1st congratulations to the web master for taking the time and effort to set up and maintain the website a true glory to read, I hope you progress well with your experimentation

2nd to Nito MacMad I don't believe you and thing you are joking, you display no real facts just waffle about the fact you have a solution. Prove it or shut up! p.s. that includes your waffle about patenents

3rd testing was done on gyroscopes loosing mass whilst only rotating in one direction, did you know that water drains in different directions depending on which side of the world you are on?

4th Dr D.J. Fisher - whilst I have every respect for for qualified professionals. I feel, I must add, that once upon a time the world was flat....... A man with your ability could think out-of-the-box so to speak and add positive critisism rathor than just quote the written word, otherwise why would you bother to access the site.

p.s. I didn't run spell checker on purpose.
Date: 26 October 2004
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Answers (Ordered by Date)

Answer: Nitro MacMad - 06/11/2004 20:18:17
 Dear Keith Dobson,

Everyone is entitled to make mistrakes but you have abused the privilege of the “whole dame thing”.

I concur with your congratulatory sentiment to our illustrious webmaster.

My web “handle” is Nitro MacMad (I was given this, now rather inappropriate, “handle” when - a lifetime ago- I used Nitro Methane/methanol mix to sprint my Cooper S). “Nito” sounds like some wimpy kind of herbal sleep inducer……. Hm! You may have a point after all!

You are, apparently, entitled to “thing” (bloody European human rights act!), though I am not joking.

If you have ever done anything remotely resembling original effort in progressing the present base line of human understanding, for example inventing something useful, you will know that you would risk loosing it all if you disclosed it on a web site - hence my reticence.

My waffle is probably of genetic cause but the “patenents” are all out there (sodding costly!) now.

I don’t believe that gyros change mass whether they spin or not except, possibly, when a precession is present.

In answer to your only question: - Yes, I did know about water rotating in different directions as it drains on opposite sides of the world, doesn’t anyone who has a bath in both hemispheres? It is called the Gustave Gaspard Coriolis effect and is, I assume, similar in cause to the speeding up of an ice skaters rotation as they draw their arms in - conservation of angular momentum and all that scientific stuff.

I feel I may soon have to start a Dr Fisher protection society.


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Answer: DaveS - 09/11/2004 09:47:04
 Yes, it is a good site.

Hey Nitro, I hear you waffle about patents and are joking about having a solution.
hehehehe (evil chuckle).

I'm getting really pigged off with my engineering company. My machine is all but finished but they seem to be having trouble finding the time to add the motors. Has been nearly a year from start of construction. I think i need to kick some butt.


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Answer: Nitro MacMad - 13/11/2004 14:04:08
 Dear Keith,
Sorry to highjack your letter but I cannot let the foul calumny by Dave S go unanswered....

Dear Dave S,
How double dare you suggest that I waffle about patents and joke about having a solution.

I'll have you know that I waffle about everydamnthing and joke to keep myself sane (and I‘ve found two solutions now). Good God! If I wasn't a nutter I could go barmy.

Nice to hear that you are still out there and that your version of the mechanical nightmare is nearly there. I've been there with trying to enthuse engineers who don't understand what they are being asked to make (but why should they, it goes against all they've been taught). This is why I have ended up making it myself - a much (Oh! Much) slower process but it removes the worry of theft and I have learnt some amazing new bodges. (like: - you can use “son of a gun” as an “infinite slip film” lubricant on plastic to plastic and other surfaces. This discovery may not be much use for the average impulse drive machine, but the wife loves the way our curtains just glide on the runners now - try it!).

Kind regards

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