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27 July 2024 08:23

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Subject: Gyro Displacement and Rate Sensor Tester
Question: Dear Sir

Have a good day,

Saaim Trade International is interesting in the following Product for its valued local client:-


a. Features
(1) Complete testing of displacement sensor and rate sensor.
(2) Measurement of residual and dead-angle voltages of rate sensor.
(3) Measurement of phase voltage between output voltage and exiting voltage.
(4) Measurement of residual voltage, drift and correction interval of displacement sensor.
(5) Measurement of trans-conductance of displacement sensor.

b. Indications
(1) Voltages and Current measuring digital displays.
(2) Oscilloscope for measuring phases.

c. User Inputs
(1) Power control.
(2) Different Switches to achieve testing steps.

d. Interfaces
(1) Round Connectors interface with GYRO-SET assembly
(2) Fuse Protection
(3) Sensors fixing setup

Kindly forward your quotation most flexibly / low-down as compare to your on line price along with Technical Specifications.

Your co-operation in this regard will be highly appreciated.

Hoping for early response and good business relations in future.

With Regards . . .

Khurram Shehzad Khan
Business Manager
Saaim Trade International
Office # 04, 1st Floor, Rafiq Plaza, Upp: NIB Bank, Adyala Road,
Ph: +92 51 5818615
Fax: +92 51 5572066
Email: sti.kskhan@gmail.com
Date: 5 February 2015
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