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7 February 2025 17:05

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Asked by: Glenn Hawkins
Subject: UFO’s,
Question: https://nation.foxnews.com/watch/a4d1e0d678d3d3ece20a761b50d3f930/?cmpid=org=NAT::ag=owned::mc=FNC_display::src=FNC_web::cmp=homepage::add=watch_platform_vd_creative&utm_source=FNC_display&utm_medium=FNC_web&utm_campaign=homepage&utm_content=watch_platform_vd_creative
Date: 15 August 2021
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Answers (Ordered by Date)

Answer: Nate - 16/08/2021 04:11:24
Maybe, it's time we all start thinking about moving asteroids around.
Asteroid mining IS coming and inertial propulsion may play a role.

An asteroid's own gravity can be an aid to producing IP.

"ATB" = Asteroid Tug Boat

Think about it.


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Answer: Nate - 16/08/2021 04:11:25
Maybe, it's time we all start thinking about moving asteroids around.
Asteroid mining IS coming and inertial propulsion may play a role.

An asteroid's own gravity can be an aid to producing IP.

"ATB" = Asteroid Tug Boat

Think about it.


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Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 16/08/2021 18:13:15
 Hi Nate,
Very good, of you. Did you like the video?

I have discovered a festinating possibility while I have been busy developing a theory to replace the theory of relativity. It is the most difficult thing I have ever done. It wears you out but I believe I have it all now and more. It’s going to take more time to iron it out logically on paper. I can tell you now though the theory of relativity is, forgive me Professor Einstein, is the nuttiest thing I have ever come across and it is wrong though his equations are perfect I have read.

What was the festinating possibility I discovered in building my theory? It is instantaneous- speed which is actually two Juxtaposed ideas. Without it the universe could not have happened instantly. The theory, aided by high-tech engineering should prove inertial propulsion can be obtained from rotation. After all this time that is an astounding discovery.
I am tired but I will explain it all later. It’s difficult.

Now he will claim I need a hospital full psychiatrist. That guy. That guy. That guy.


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Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 01/09/2021 14:07:12
 Wrong! inertial propulsion cannot be obtained from rotation.

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Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 01/07/2023 21:05:21
 UFO'S and our physics

As of mid-year 2023, our government and military of the US finally admitted the existence of unidentified flying objects that defy physics. There is so much news asserting it all. And that their existence has been covered up since at least 1947.
The very certainty of this should coincide with Sandy’s assertions because it would be impossible for them to have arrived from distant solar systems considering the distance and modern-day earth physics and also to consider their acceleration and deceleration, both impossible in the frame of our understanding.

It’s lonesome on here whereas it used to be fun,

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