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7 February 2025 18:18

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Asked by: Sandy
Subject: Where have all the players gone?
Question: Hello shed-dwellers,
For a long time now it seems that things have gone very quiet in this forum with respect to the belief that gyroscopes can somehow be manipulated to generate one way thrust.
Is there anyone left dabbling in this quest for a gyroscope inspired space-drive or has all investigation into this mode of travel run out of interest.
I am aware that my good friend Ted Pittman from across the pond at last deservedly seems to be getting somewhere
Anyone else still around and actively pursuing the quest.
Used to get quite lively here.
Date: 12 October 2022
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Answers (Ordered by Date)

Answer: Harry K. - 14/10/2022 09:20:02
 Helle Sandy,

good to hear from you. I am still working on my idea, but unfortunately I am very limited due to my poor eyesight.
At the moment I am thinking of getting support from a like-minded person. But where can I find one?

Kind regards

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Answer: Sandy - 15/10/2022 10:13:07
 Hello Harald,
Glad you are still interested in the “thing”
What kind of help do you need?.
I may be able to help but I need some info obviously.
Have you still got my email address?
Inform me in confidence of your requirements.

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Answer: Harry K. - 15/10/2022 12:09:00
 Hello Sandy,

Yes, I still have your email address. I need more practical help as I am finding it very difficult to do this myself at the moment. Unfortunately you are quite far away.
I will email you later. Thank you very much for your offer!

Kind regards

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Answer: MakeThingsFly - 17/10/2022 18:20:11
 Hi Sandy,

Im still conducting experimemts. Im currently working with a variation of Maxwell's wheel. Recently ive been reading about Dean Drive. Glad to see there are a few others still working towards gyrpscope propulsion.

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Answer: Harry K. - 19/10/2022 21:26:26
 Hello MakeThingsFly,

As you've probably noticed, there's not much going on here in the forum any more. For whatever reason.
Tell us something about yourself. How old are you? What drives you? What is your technical background?
There are many interesting topics here in the forum. Have you already read up on them? How can we support you?


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Answer: Sandy - 21/10/2022 17:41:36
 For all you interested souls Ted Pittman who you will all know will be making a presentation on YouTube on the “Alternative Propulsion Engineering Conference” this Saturday evening at 4.30 Pacific Time or 11.30 pm in Britain The program is usually hosted by Tim Ventura of American Antigravity.
A program really worth watching guys with something for everyone.
It is recorded if it is too late for you, or if you miss it.

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Answer: MakeThingsFly - 22/10/2022 00:34:05
 Hi Harald,

I have noticed that the site looks to be winding down. I'm 41 and I am interested in gyroscopic propulsion, and experimentation. My drive is to do things that hasn't been done before. My technical back ground is mostly in lighter than aircraft, but on a broader scale I'm interested in things that fly. I run a small YouTube channel for my LTA projects.


I enjoyed Eric Laithwaite's Christmas presentation, have watched Sandy's videos (I was happy to get a copy of his Beyond 2001).

I read and find what is out there, most seems to fall into grouped similarities. So far I have been building small experiments to help me understand the basic mechanics.

Although it is a different field (but similar) I also have been experimenting with the Magnus effect.

I'm always happy to hear what others are working on, or ideas.



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Answer: d brown - 05/11/2022
 i never went anywhere.
i still have perpetual motion.
i still have gyroscopic propulsion.
i have another way of writing a^2 + b^2 = c^2
-- it also works in the cosine law.

how is australia treating you? nothing like a capitalist hug; am i right?

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