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Asked by: DaveS
Subject: How do you rate as a CRACKPOT
Question: http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/crackpot.html

Date: 4 May 2005
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Answers (Ordered by Date)

Answer: Eric James ----- - 05/05/2005 06:21:27

Well, My pyschiatrist says that I have a relatively reasonable fix on reality (as opposed to before), so I'd say that "crackpot" is a term that does not apply to the reality of the aether based space-time dimensional flux. This is merely a tool used by the demi-gods of the scientific establishment to maintain there status as the keepers of knowledge.

Speaking of relativity, Albert (Einstein) told me just the other day that I am on the right track and to press on with my theories of everything which basically define the quanta as being nothing at all but figmentations of our imaginations porportionally attached to our retinas via chronon particle acceleration about the great aether of space and time which is irrelevant to the reality of modern conformation of the aether to gravitational wave variations.

Using these variations of the aether the Tandites (small gray aliens) from Tand told me that people who ask silly questions about whether other people might be crackpots are irrelevant to the space-time dimensional flux capacitance and therefore should be feared as being part of the scientific establishment that is attempting to nuetralize any shift in the theoretical paradigm known as "the standard model."

If the said neo-nazi stormtroopers of the "scientific establishment" could just open their eyes to my theories, then science itself would be turned on its ear!

Instead, they turn the blind eye of incompetant reluctance to expand their capacity to comprehend the enormity of the hypothetical configuration of aether drift models that explain the nothingness of everything.

Using these drift models, it is possible to throw a ball and have it continusly accelerate exponentially in defiance of the so-called laws of Newton who is but a mere speck in the sand as compared with the enormity of my own intellect that not even Albert (Einstein) can ascertain as to the total dimensional whereabouts of the complexity of the permutations of the parabola might be contained within the various realities.

Therefore, it can be concluded that "crackpot" is but a relative term to the applications of scientific discovery of which I hereby proclaim as being the result of a false orthodoxy of religion based on greed. In fact, there can be no "scientific discovery" per-say as since everthing is really nothing at all, there is nothing to "discover."

"I think, therfore I am" says the famous philosopher, but is he really? I didn't hear him think, did you? How can he be if his thinking is not verified?

Obviously, verification is but another tool of the scientific heirarchy used to supress the certain knowledge of our very existence!

Me a crackpot? I think not (and therefore I'm not!)


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Answer: Sandy Kidd - 05/05/2005 06:29:50
Very good indeed
I enjoyed that.
Keep it coming.

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Answer: DaveS - 05/05/2005 08:51:21

Yeah. OK and....

...how many points did you score?


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Answer: Sandy Kidd - 05/05/2005 13:41:56
 Dave S,
Don’t know about Eric, but I ran out of fingers early on.

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Answer: Eric James ----- - 05/05/2005 23:18:55
 DaveS and all,

Thanks! I rather enjoyed writing it.


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Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 10/05/2005 17:51:38
That’d be a bit like 'stuff', if it weren’t lucid, insightful and a bit funny and written well from a good base of knowledge. But it was kind of like stuff, and wasn’t it fun to do? Here and there you lost some people on purpose. I liked it.

Dave S.
Crackpots are what we who visit here are in the minds of those who don’t agree. And likewise those who refuse see what we see, and yet are argumentative are crackpots to us. Ugliness is in the eye of the beholder, or in the eye of the crackpot who disagrees with me as it may be. Let’s not give up. We may out crackpot them yet. We could be right you know.

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Answer: Dave - 01/07/2005 23:35:17
 Eric, sorry for the delay in contact but I have had some huge computer problems.
Please contact me at Anyamonsta@aol.com
I would very much like to discus my theory and desgin with someone who actually know what the hell I am talking about.
If you feel comfortable doing so, I would prefer to talk over the telephone for reasons that will become clear in time. If you could provide your telephone number I will call you at your convenience as I currently off work for two weeks.
Thank you.

P.S. Nice essay, you remind me of myself.

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