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Asked by: Mike Jones
Subject: Collaboration on propulsion concept
Question: Many years ago I had a dream about a "flying saucer" gyroscopic propulsion system. As I look through the experiments here, I realize that my concept in this dream may not be far off. I would like to present what is in my head to someone who is familiar with gyroscopic propulsion to see if they think it is a possible propulsion design. I would appreciate recommendations for a trustworthy contact. Thank you.
Date: 19 September 2006
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Answers (Ordered by Date)

Answer: DaveS - 25/09/2006 14:25:09
 And we are all going to say we are untrustworthy, I don't think so.

You will normally get an automated e-mail response saying that you have a reply to your question. If you wish to discuss further, then by all means contact me.

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Answer: Mike Jones - 25/09/2006 19:48:52
 I was thinking that someone in the forum could give me a third party recommendation. I suppose even that is not is not realistic. On the long shot that this turns out to be the answer to gyroscopic propulsion, I would like to think I was working with someone that would not steal it.

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Answer: DaveS - 26/09/2006 17:27:31
 Why thank you for the vote of confidence. You have more chance of getting it stolen from a third party.
All that was being offered was the option to discuss further. That is exactly the sort of response that makes me wonder why it is worth trying to be friendly. Most value my input and I have discussed many others ideas on here in private.
You can find all the information required for pursuing your dream idea from reading this forum. All the information is here and all other information is readily available if you can be bothered to do some research.
You have entirely the wrong attitude and because I have seen this sort of daft request before, I now withdraw my offer. I should never have offered help or advice for the flimsiest of whims anyway, don't know what came over me.
Carry on dreaming.

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Answer: Mike Jones - 28/09/2006 00:40:55
 Well DaveS,

I'm not sure just what it was that made you SNAP, but it's best to get that stuff out of the way right up front. I have been burned and burned again so I find it hard to trust anybody. I have learned that if someone tells you that you can trust them, you probably can't.

You're input may have been valuable, and mine may have been too, and I guess we'll leave it at that. I will continue to research and I will continue to dream. I find the subconscious far more creative and less tethered than the conscious one.

For what its worth, if my model is correct, some of your ideas were on the right track.

Have a nice life,


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Answer: Nitro MacMad - 29/09/2006 19:27:27
 Dear Mike,

Please forgive us for the impression you may have got, that shed dwelling nutters that lurk in the dark corners of this site are negative to new input. Many of us have spent hours (read years, for serial nutters like me) torturing metal into the cast of nightmare horror films to do our nefarious biddings, often to little gain, along the path we madly follow. For this reason we (well, me at least) have a limited patience for others untill we find that they have progressed to the point where they can say "I've made one like that and it did......"

You need, for your own discovery, to be able to say "I've....

Kind regards

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Answer: Luis Gonzalez - 01/10/2006 16:43:16
I sympathize with your dilemma. After toiling to come up with innovative ideas that you think may resolve a great question your mechanic skills are sorely lacking.
I see this situation over and over in this forum. My advice is to use the forum to learn from others’ experimental results, failures, and identify what theories make sense.
The issue with lacking mechanical skills can be overcome by cerebral effort. Find basic components that exist in current industry and adjust your design to incorporate the components.
If you are as clever as you think, you will arrive at levels of component granularity that allow you to build anything with minimal need for machining. Replace machining with welding and fasteners because it is cheaper.
A good exercise is to think in terms similar to how geodesic domes, large cranes, and any very large equipment are built.
Have fun and don’t let poor manners get you down.
Regards, Luis

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Answer: Jerry Volland - 02/10/2006 12:28:51
 Hi, Mike.

If you trust the Court System, I can send you a Non Disclosure/Non Use form. Then, if your system is workable, I'll have to buy a lisence if I decide to use it. I've built and tested 76 different Inertial Systems, so I know a little about the subject. Send me an email with your mailing address, if you're interested.


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Answer: DaveS - 02/10/2006 14:21:29
 Go for it Mike.


Just wiping a tear from my eye. Absolutely brilliant. Priceless. Not had the pleasure of seeing this site before. Not laughed so much in ages. Still smiling now.
Gotta ask Jerry, has anyone actually invested $20,000 in a propulsion unit yet?

There is a whole list of very noble achievable targets with only one that is a problem.
Funnily enough this is numbered 1
Target 1. Build and Test a Levitating Launch Platform.
Just a small problem to overcome then. :D

Your turn now, you can slag me off for being rude, ignorant, mannerless or a host of other things but you can't accuse me of not having a sense of humour.

Hahahahahahahahahahaheeheeheeheeheehee. I'm still laughing.

PS. Paint your bus workshop yellow. It's a great colour and can be bought cheap from US taxi companies. HAHAHAaaa

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Answer: Jerry Volland - 09/10/2006 14:03:35

I'm sorry, but I'm retracting my offer, at least for now. I've just got too much work. I've also discovered that someone is using my email to send out stock quotes, so I may have to take that offline as well. Anyone with a serious interest in my prototypes would have saved the files to disc, so that part doesn't matter. After half a dozen years on the Internet, I haven't recieved any investor interest, so I guess I'll have to try the mainstream media after all. Good luck with your project. Just build it and see what happens.


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