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Asked by: DaveS
Subject: Prototype test run
Question: Machine is complete. Only taken 2 years.

Tweaking one of the moving parts as it sticks when run up to speed. Sorting out a simple cam problem. Once sorted will do a test run.

First visually recorded run planned for Friday 6th Oct.

Watch this space...
Date: 2 October 2006
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Answers (Ordered by Date)

Answer: Sandy Kidd - 03/10/2006 06:57:25
 Dear Dave S,
All the best for your impending trials.
Hard hat at the ready?
Used to think schrapnel was a German word, apparently he was an Englishman.
Good old Henry.
Take care.

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Answer: Momentus - 06/10/2006 19:08:48
 Today is the day!!

Best of luck

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Answer: dinamo - 10/10/2006 22:33:13
 When is the next test?

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Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 27/10/2006 11:05:51
 Dear Louis,
We assume your experiment didn't work. Several of us have had the same experience and because of that we are able to empathize. Some of we are sorry for you in the same way we were sorry for ourselves. Now finish the job and explain what you thought, what you did and what were the results. You’ve no secrete to hide now. I'm sorry, Louis.

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Answer: DaveS - 27/10/2006 13:55:13
 Firstly. I'm not Louis.

Secondly, that's not the case.

The machine is finished but the engineers are over in Russia at the moment working on some machinery. They have been there for the last 2 weeks and unfortunately I had other commitments that prevented me attending a test the week before that.
I haven't posted on this as I have nothing to report yet.

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Answer: Elder & Mrs. Hsien-Lu & Hui-Lien Peng Huang - 27/10/2006 21:05:47
 Dear Mr. DaveS:

Praise our Lord Jesus Christ for your accomplishment in finishing your machine and being ready for final test to prove your invention. You and Messrs. Sandy Kidd, Mome
ntus, and Dinamo have the faith in your invention, and Mr. Glenn Hawkins has the compassion. Thank our Lord for all of these. We continue to pray for your success in invention, and are looking forward to your announcement.

Below are some Bible verses to be shared with you all.

God bless you all.

Elder Dr. & Mrs. Hsien-Lu & Hui-Lien Peng Huang

Philippians 4:13 (King James Version) 13 I can do all things through Christ Who strengtheneth me.

Matthew 19:26 (King James Version) 26 But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.

John 15:5 (King James Version) 5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in Me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without Me ye can do nothing.

Dear Friends: Keep a very intimate personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ through prayers and reading His Words, the Bible, daily or even more frequently, and set a very good spiritual role model for others, please. Thanks.

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Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 28/10/2006 00:29:37
 Dave S.

Uh, so, so sorry. I knew perfectly well your name. Like Elvis P. said, ‘I don’t know why I ever did it.’

Twenty-five days passed since you said, ‘First visually recorded run planned for Friday 6th Oct.’ and you also said ‘Watch this space, Oct 2.’

Cut us a little slack with the, ‘I had other commitments....’ and, ‘I haven't posted on this as I have nothing to report yet.’

Like Hannibal Lector said, Dave, ‘That won’t do.’ We did as you ask and watched and the days went by and nothing. You were inattentive to your post after you who alerted everyone. Its too late for me to let you shrug your duty flippantly off and get away with it.

Do you know what Chicken Little said…? Are you the boy who cried woof, Dave…?

I am bored, Dave S. Attend to you commitments and pay me no mind. Sincerely, good wishes with your test if you ever get around to it.

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Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 28/10/2006 01:05:03
 Dear Elder & Mrs. Hsien-Lu & Hui-Lien Peng Huang,

You must be awfully nice people. I know I’d like you. You certainly are committed.

Yes committed, unlike Save S., who sets a bench-mark date for lift-off on an open forum, lets lift-off pass 21 days without a word, and when you ask Louis about it, Dave S. interrupts and says he himself is busy. Hi Dave S.! Whoopee-T-I-Oh! Move um in, move um out, rawhide! Yippee-Tee-I-Oh! Hang on Dave S. Ride um cowboy. Your test and examination will come and you’ll learn lots from it. You will finish when you finish. “I’m still bored. This isn’t helping.” Your time’s a commin’, Dave. Whoopee-T-I-Oh! Dear, Louis, you never answered?

Dear, Elder & Mrs. Hsien-Lu & Hui-Lien Peng Huang, thank you for the kind words and the very best to you.

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Answer: DaveS - 29/10/2006 11:39:55
 For those of you who are bemused by the fact this test still has not happened.

Firstly, this machine is but one of many projects that I am involved with.
The time it has taken to build this machine has outlasted my enthusiasm. Don't get me wrong, I am still keen to test the device; especially as the chap who has built most of it says it frightens him. Grin.
My hands are tied anyway. Until the engineer is back nothing can happen and besides, after waiting so damn long, what is another month on this project.
Maybe I should have waited until after the test before saying anything but if all had gone to plan it would be done by now.

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