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Asked by: Glenn Hawkins
Subject: A BET
Question: I have a little bet with myself. Would you like me to tell you how to produce powerful continuous acceleration in space using only ‘applied’ gyroscopic principles? My wager is that not more than two, if any at all will reply, yes.
Date: 10 December 2006
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Answers (Ordered by Date)

Answer: Sandy Kidd - 12/12/2006 06:31:45
 I'll be one of them.
Tell me Glenn, tell me.

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Answer: Larry L. Burks - 12/12/2006 17:08:11
 Answer is "The atom." Atoms can produce a force due to it's mass. Then the question becomes "who is that a atom can produce a force due to it's mass. Answer is "Gyro's " Gyro's as a rotating disk... No Gyro's as a loop or spinning ring... no. but closer Gyro's as spinning a ring smeared out over space and time. A higher dimention ringor loop. a coil or spring shaped gyro. No but your getting worm. A spinning coil in the shape of s cylender or tube acts like all other gyro. But hear the difference. If you take the spinning coil shaper gyro and change the shape from a inline tube to a 180 degree U shaped gyro. It will act as if you have rotated a disk shape gyro by 180 degrees Or movered it in the gyladeral direction by 180 degrees. but have not. A half loop or opened loop will produce a force. A viberating string works the the same way that a spining gyro coil. And atoms like those found in nature are round. They are composed of many many half loops. Pick up an object and hold it in your hand. You can feel the force in your hand. You and test this in the lab. A higher dimention half loopor open loop of a spinning coil, a spring. Is the one and only way you can produce a force due to it's mass. Why. Because it's not violating the laws of gyros. It's obeaying the laws of gyros. come check out my home page www.ufoworkshop.0cstch.com larry

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Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 13/12/2006 01:23:15
 Dear Sandy,

This was a test you alone passed. All petty human vanities laid aside you are a seeker of knowledge without reservations. What you most want is more knowledge. I too would have ask anyone here at the snap of a finger for the possibility of acquiring new and different approaches to gaining more knowledge.

Do you wonder why no one else was willing to ask? Even Larry in the post reeking with humility above would rather explain than learn. Wasn’t it good of him to join in new to us?

Sandy, you sheared and I've learned some things, sometimes in argument. I will be honored and pleased to shear with you. In that event it will take time to prepare drawings and explanation, sandwiched between other endeavors we all have. When the time gets near and some work has been done, I’ll post my Internet address for you and ask that you send me your mailing address, you know, the old fashion kind where the mailman delivers writings and drawings to your door. It may take time. I’m not yet fully in gear and there are more aggregations gaining on me. Its just life, you know.

Well keep the faith and keep dodging for a long time more old pal. Watch out for buzzards. That’s what I do. Whenever they start circling too low I go take a shower and cover myself with underarm deodorant. That fools them pretty good and they go away for a while.

This was a test of something I had been wondering about for a while.

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Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 16/12/2006 17:00:48
 Working. It’s proving more difficult than I thought puting my mind to paper.

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Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 23/12/2006 17:31:14
 Dear Sandy, but also Dear Everyone,

I have made a little progress and have decided that it might be possible to do some of the presentation without pictures. We’ll see. I have some drawings and can produce more if necessary. Anyway the first effort is begun on a new post you will find.

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Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 23/01/2007 18:37:12
 Like everything you think is actually revealing and useful that you post here, I doubt that this will meet with any interest what so ever…at all.

If you chouse your wheel and extend the outer rim by adding square hollow compartments of Plexiglas and put a pea inside each you can see the conditions of forces on particles during precession. Would you like to know how the peas behave inside the square see through compartments?

And by the way precession will take place with, or without gravity. You just apply mechanical force in place of gravity to force tilting. Tilting is what causes precession. The type of force doesn’t make any difference.


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Answer: patrick - 08/02/2009 10:50:40
 nice,,,,,no realy nice,bakdates fine 4 me but r they ok 4 u------------------fluidicity,repultion
yet why or y the itchworm still banging on,,,,,. banging 4 u c y

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