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7 March 2025 02:11
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Glenn Hawkins |
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There are two applications that probably create inertial propulsion. The less probable, less complicated, but more powerful of the two is presented here.
I have decided the best way to begin is simply to present these experiments. After which, to examine how and why they do what they do and finally to present plans arranging the forces created in the experiments into mechanical ways to accelerate an apparatus in space.
Gyroscopic reactions are pressures created by force that resist force.
Spin up a Taco gyroscope and place it on a cut pile floor carpeting called plush. Tilt the gyro by laying it sideways on the floor, which will be a 34o angle so that one side of the axel is raised. Select a smooth, flat piece of metal such as a kitchen knife and place the broad side of the blade onto the raised side of the axel hub and shove the blade downward. The blade should be kept horizontal and flat in alignment with the floor throughout the downward applied shove. You may have to practice to insure the blade remains level. Regardless, every downward shove will result in the same action as follows.
The gyro will accelerate thru a twist up from the floor into an eventual upright position that is vertical and then break away from the blade at that exact vertical position even as you continue the downward applied force. I call this break away the release. The acceleration during the twist transfers to linear force and the gyro will roll fast across the floor in a straight line while maintaining in its upright position. It will carry a full amount of momentum. When it crashes into a wall a full collision force is delivered with a bang. This will be quite powerful if you have shoved downward hard enough.
As the gyro twist it will leave an indented impression of a twisting motion in the carpet to measure and examine for evidence of several actions and lack of actions. The carpet is otherwise not necessary to the experiment, except to make it easier to perform
If you repeat this set up, but apply downward force only lightly all the reactions of above will be slowed, consequently the roll away will be slow enough for you to follow the gyroscope. As you follow press down on an axel hub on one side of the gyro and then the other side intermittently. For as long as you keep doing this the gyro will continually accelerate, bearing off course slightly each time you shove left and right, but over all continuing to travel forward faster.
Dispense with the carpet. Spin the gyro fast. Place it on a smooth, friction free surface next to a wall, aligned toward the wall and press down on one side of the gyro and then the other continuously repeating this procedure. Use two smooth surfaced and oiled tip ends of blades one for each hand. Keep the blades horizontal throughout the force. The gyro will waddle back and forth constantly applying force into the wall.
For this test a Formica tabletop is used with the area underneath the gyro coated with light oil. Also a 42” wrap from an extra long pull string is used and with this I calculate I can produce about 2,700 RPMs, quite high for a Taco. The same setup as above is repeated and the gyro again rolls away in an upright position straight ahead as in the first experiment. An important observation is that at this high spin speed the tilt degrees to release, is only about 18o, and less than the 34o used in the carpet test at normal rotation speeds.
Repeat the high speed, oiled surfaced test above, except this time begin by aligning the spinning gyro in an upright vertical angle of zero degrees. Apply enough downward pressure to tilt the gyro quickly and it will again roll away, but leaning about 30o. After the release it will travel in a straight line, until gravity forces it to curve into the direction it is leaning. An extraordinary observation is that from this beginning upright position, if the gyroscope were not spinning the downward force applied would leverage against the bottom of the gyro at an angle and cause it to slide sideways away from the downward force. That the spinning gyro does not slide sideways is evidence of a strong resistance opposing a natural reaction that would otherwise cause the bottom of the gyro to slide away from force.
The same high-speed spin and oiled surface set up is used as in test (4.). The beginning alignment in this test may be varied between 340o and zero degrees. The primary difference however, is in the method that is used to apply force. A heavy weight is sat on the upward tilted axel. The gyro twists upright then downwards more slowly, as there is less force used than in a shove, and rolls away slowly after the release. The release occurs when the weight slides off the axel after the gyro has tilted below zero degrees.
An Observation of concern: The inertial qualities in the mass of the weight would resist movement in all directions. If these qualities resisted rearward movement enough they could act as a backdrop from which the gyro would twist against and accelerated from. Did the weight move rearward undetectably in the quickness and small distance of the drop from the axel to the table? Was this a condition of equal an opposite reaction? The answer came to be, no. If the weight were actually moved rearward a distance so small as to be imperceptible to observation and measurement, then even then, and even if that were true there would not have been sufficient rearward inertia resistance to account for the forward gyro lunges.
All the conditions of test (4.) are repeated, except this time a lighter weight is hung on the axel. The gyro does not twist in the same way, it does not release and it does not roll forward. Instead it rotates with the bottom of the gyro pivoting in the same spot.
I wondered if this action was actually the natural action of all the tests performed? Was there a lot of friction at the point of applied force in all the tests? Did this friction act as a backdrop from which the twisting gyro flung itself forward? Was there after all, an equal and opposite rearward reaction presenting itself as a resistance from friction at the knife blade and the hand that held it? Had the limited quality of earlier tests miss lead me into believing the gyro was thrusting forward without a rearward reaction? The answer would become, no, I hadn’t been mislead. There is no rearward reaction.
The long and arduous attempt to understand test (6.) lead to many dead end efforts, but the solution once found was as simple as dirt. It is a way of thinking. That is, it is not applied force that causes the gyro to lunge forward. It is the reaction we call tilt that causes it to lunge. The tests gyros would have merely rotated in place as a reaction to force, if not for a sufficient magnitude of applied force to overwhelm the angular momentum in spin, and thereby create the reaction of tilting. Test (6.) was not supposed to thrust. There was no tilting. Then Test (6.) does not detract from all the other tests. In these other experiments the gyro dose in fact lunges forward without an apparent rearward reaction.
A ten foot string was tied to the hub of an axel, the gyro spun up, aligned upright and this time placed on a short nap carpet for traction. The string is pulled horizontally from ten feet away. This test usually has to be repeated until it works. When all is right the gyro will begin to circle in a twenty-foot radius. The gyro is twisting into the taunt string and thereby having something to push against. This is about angles and the result is you guessed it, equal and opposite force rearward to forward. I have a reason for adding this test and eventually we will revisit it as well as all here presented. Pulling sideways doesn’t result in reactionless thrust, rather pushing downward will cause reactionless thrust.
All gyro thrust was accelerated in a fraction of an inch, during a fraction of a second. It then would not seem unreasonable to assume that if the metal, construction, angular momentum and applied force were made strong enough, a gyro could be forced to accelerate faster than a bullet exploded through the barrel of a gun. Further, because the gyro can be made to cycle in quick continuous thrusts, the acceleration of rockets, jet aircraft and racing automobiles might seem very slow by comparison.
More complicated testing with materials, parts and construction was done using four different kinds of gyros, each under a variety of conditions. Some were in tantrums wherein two were used together, but I have come back to these simple tests. They are I think the best to study.
Powerful continuous acceleration, without an 180o rearward reaction has been proven.
This does not prove inertial propulsion. The following papers using vectored forces and counter forces must deal with how the platform performs in space, considering the platform both delivers force upon the gyro and receives force reaction from the gyro. (There is reason so far to believe this is not a problem, but the vectored quantities haven’t been completed.) Also to be treated is the solution in design to overcome the normal limitation of a system that relies on an outside-applied force upon a system. This has been solved very well. Also there will be a presentation on the nature of resistances found in gyroscopic behavior in order to understand the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of the reactions in the tests that produces thrust. The third step deals with mechanical ways designed in blueprints to employ gyro thrust that is expected to accelerate a craft thru space using only inertia propulsion, balanced and powered by electric motors or, automobile engines.
I will wait a while to continue. We have a very, very long way to go and also I would like to see some responses from everyone.
Date: |
23 December 2006
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Answers (Ordered by Date)
Answer: |
Glenn Hawkins - 24/12/2006 22:24:09
| | Vectored forces are completed. Hey, are you guys asleep? Don’t you care? My computer has been attacked. It’s infected badly. I keep struggling against the virus. I don’t know how much longer I can outwit it. It learns.
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Answer: |
Glenn Hawkins - 08/02/2007 11:58:20
| | You are all unemployed. Payday here is in the understanding of what is offered. The workday itself consist of the time and effort put forth to understand. If you don’t work, you don’t get paid. You are all fired. The assembly line is shut down. The discontinuation of revealing hard fought for information is in effect and continuation ceases. This line is closed.
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Sandy Kidd - 08/02/2007 12:44:47
| | Sorry Glenn,
Do not take it personally.
I have been meaning to give it some thought, and then make my reply.
I have been preoccupied with some other, at this time more pressing things.
Hold on buddy.
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Phil Young - 05/11/2007 05:40:46
| | Howdy. I am just a stranger searching this large internet for a simple equation telling me what the resistance to force a gyroscope will have if moved linearly along the axis which it spins. Although my search hasn't succeeded yet, I read your page out of intrest alone and thought it very educational. Do not be discouraged by an apparent lack of intrest from the populi. I am sure there are others, like me, who read it and enjoyed it and simply did not leave a remark
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Glenn Hawkins - 05/11/2007 16:11:43
| | Hi Phil,
Thanks you for your thoughtfulness and encouragement. I have decided the best thing I can do is try to develop a purely mechanical method of applying the forces displayed in these tests that I thank will produce propulsion and then present the results in this dead thread. Long ago I was surprised to discover how difficult and unusual the design requirements are. I managed to overcome the difficulties in concepts, but for some unknown reason like an aged boxer with slowed reflexes I can’t quite pull the trigger though I know how. By that I mean I can’t… begin it! Just do it! Maybe I’ve become gyroscopically punch drunk from the long years of taking a mental beating from this little pennyweight thing. Ha! Either that, or in some strange, mystical way God won’t allow man inertial propulsion. Of course I don’t believe that, its just the existence of my ineptitude confuses me. I can do almost anything else I set my mind to. I am rambling. Excuse me.
I think you search for an answer that has uncomely many variables in the equation and that is why you haven’t found it. Two things, you might create one yourself, or one idea is to call the engineering, or physics department of your local universities for help. Surprisingly I have found some professors will spend time helping you over the phone in a friendly way. Not surprisingly some wont.
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Rodney Buljubasic - 20/06/2008 06:43:34
| | The gyro experiment you did could also be called the yoyo effect. The object of the excersize is to use torque power eg. hp which is calculated (75kg x 1m x 1sec) and convert it to thrust-the catch is not to use a medium, eg air water land ect.
I have being building this system since 1990 and I have come a long way. It has turned into a monster at the moment because for me to make it work mathematically I had to link it to other propulsion systems (aerofoil).
GYROSCOPICAL INERCIAL THRUST system will effectively be called mechanical thrust or even magnetic propultion- but there is an insect that uses this form of thrust to propel itself throught the air.
THE BEE-- agree or disagree--- the aerofoil capabilities of this insect does not allow it to fly, but if you look at the wings of the bee and how they are moved, you will come to see that when the wing is pushed down, the wings do not act as wings, rather as objects. This will create opposing reactionswhere the down force of the wings will push the body up. When the wing is down the movement of the wing is forward, this is where the aerfoil starts it work- the fwd motion will incororate relative airflow and create lift on the wing, picking the wing up to the top position---VERY INPORTANT-- this will only lift the wing, whitch is 1/88 weight of the body. When the wing is in the top position they will be objects again. Of cource the wing also displaces air and all added the BEE can fly-
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Answer: |
Glenn Hawkins - 04/07/2008 18:10:38
| | Hi Rodney Buljubasic,
The test #4 and #6 are the same and I have finally concluded that the concerns I had were well founded. I found and posted somewhere these ½ applied force experiments actually produce only equal and opposite rotations in all ways—unlike it seams overhung gyros produce and 4# and 5# are sadly useless.
I think you explained your Honey Bee analogy a long time ago somewhere as I recall. It is interesting. I am hesitant to say to you my confidence in possible inertial propulsion grows weary the more I discover and learn. Good luck to you and by the way what is a, Buljubasic? By that I mean what is your nationality, heritage and where to you live and what is it like there?
Thank you for posting, Rodney,
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