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Asked by: Leviterande
Subject: Sorry but I am very confused now peoble!
Question: Hello good peoble, i hope everone is well!

thi is my first question in the site, I have been studying gyros and anti gravity and propultion for a good time now, and instead of understanding , my head is blowing up and I was never as confused as now..

You peoble say that gyroscopes can make thurst or propltion so they lose weight and a good example is Sandy Kidd and scot strachan s "kidd device" that is claimed to has lossen it is weight completely!!! now that is just too amazing! by just using rotating gyroscopes! but then i suddenly hear that you can lose anyweight at all from rotating gyroscopes..

what is going on here ? is it possible or not?!

god bless
Date: 12 August 2007
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Answers (Ordered by Date)

Answer: Sandy Kidd - 15/08/2007 12:55:52
You have my sympathies.
Join the club.
Confusion reigns supreme in this game.
Some (most) people maintain that generation of inertial thrust is impossible by rotating gyroscopes.
Some of us (a few) maintain that you can.
No one as far as I know has been able to completely overcome the weight of the device or equal its weight in thrust.
The limit for some time appeared to be equal to the loss of the weight of the gyroscopes, but not the weight of the whole assembly.
I assure you, and you will just have to take my word for this that it is possible, but is complicated and the answers are not at all easy to find.
Originally it was like “looking for a needle in a haystack” with no guarantee that there was ever a needle in the haystack in the first place.
However, once the facts are known, devices can be designed, and the problems can be eliminated by utilising good engineering techniques.
So for me to answer your question, yes it is possible, and gyroscopic propulsion is much closer than most people can imagine.
Best regards,
Sandy Kidd.

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Answer: kalle - 16/08/2007 00:49:34
 Hi Mr Sandy Kidd!
I really dont understand how your device look like nor how it works to get up thrust.
I have a question to you: what is the goal that has to be made to get perfect best upward thrust? what is the hunted manner to get up thrust, HOW, and what woul be the perfect model work, IS it by :

1. keeping the up/down jerking movement of the gyros faster and faster?

2.keeping the gyros AS MUCH as possible upward directed

3.keeping teh gyros AS MUCH as possible down directed,

now what I understand from you device, is that it moves upward adn downward, and after som thinking like a dork I came up with that One must have the gyros directed upward ofr smooth upward thrust, or am I on teh otherside of teh universe?

Varying spin speed of the two gyros correectly and exactly with gyro chips or computer hardware should make a secessful space craft!!

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Answer: Sandy Kidd - 17/08/2007 06:54:17
 Hello again Kalle,
I have not got a clue as to how much you have learned or what your experience with gyroscopic systems is like. I assume and I apologise if I am wrong, that you are pretty new to this.
Ignore the diagram which depicts its mode of operation, as this was an interpretation by another person and is totally wrong.
What we are attempting to do is rotate the whole device as fast as we can (within reason) to develop maximum angular momentum.
We must then create a differential within the rotating system which we can use and convert into linear thrust. This is the tricky bit and is not very easy to produce in quantity, without custom built or specialised parts.
The gyroscope can provide the needful to create the required differential, but as I have found out after laborious testing, the operating gyroscope is a catalyst and does not itself produce the thrust.
My first machine, which is the one you are referring to, managed to do this completely accidentally, by a sequence of actions which came together opportunely to create thrust. It was so strange that it took me years to figure out why it could do this. At that time I knew very little about the characteristics of gyroscopes so to be honest I (we) did not have clue why it could/should deliver thrust. It is only after years of testing and finding many hitherto unknown attributes of gyroscopes in mechanically accelerated systems that the picture became much clearer.

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Answer: Hawkins - 13/11/2007 01:30:38
 Hi Kale,

You said, "Sorry but I am very confused now peoble." No. I think you understand. You ask the right questions. You know the answers. Thank about it. Good of you to take the time to visit. Visit anytime.

Good evenings,

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