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Asked by: Sandy Kidd
Question: Announcing the end of my involvement in flywheel inspired inertial drive.
I have just returned from holidaying abroad, because I decided to become 70 years of age in a warmer climate, in Paphos, Cyprus, to be exact.
Incidentally it did not hurt a bit.
My wife secretly arranged a flight to Egypt from Cyprus, a week last Friday as a birthday surprise and we took a trip to see the citadel and mosque which was originally built by Saladin, the Pyramids, the Sphinx and we also visited the Museum of Antiquities in Cairo. The trip was concluded with a short voyage down the Nile, in the evening, on a large cruise boat
Fascinating stuff!
In a building/temple next to the Sphinx, I examined massive pinkish coloured solid granite facings on pillars and stones beautifully finished utilising copper chisels and wooden mallets.
It was not just the finish on the blocks which raises the question of how they were made, but the unique shape of the blocks themselves which were not designed with ease of production in mind, which prompted me to post this.

I had previously decided to call it a day when I got to seventy, so when my final machine is completed, in a week or two’s time, whether it be good, bad or indifferent, that will be that.
I originally got involved in this website to try to be helpful and unload some of my findings in an area probably never previously ventured very far into, to genuine developers.
It would appear that I will not live long enough for most individuals to get up to speed, so the next step in producing inertial thrust has had to be put on the back burner.
To this end I have failed miserably and effectively wasted a lot of my time, which will of course cease with this posting. So be it.
An individual has made the comment that there is no maths to back up my claims, and that everything must agree with the accepted laws of motion.
If it agrees with the laws of motion it just cannot work, so that is a wasted exercise.
The copper chisels and wooden mallets, come to mind here.
Yes it can all be explained away mathematically, but what do you want, jam on it?
Besides I have only described the basic flywheel functions required to do the job.
There was a lot more to come.
Is it really necessary to go into the detail and design of ignition systems, fuel injection systems, engine timing, camshaft profiles, air to fuel ratios etc, etc to explain the workings of a car engine?
To draw people out, I have continuously asked specific questions relating to certain aspects of gyroscope behaviour, to the point where I was getting embarrassed asking them.
Over the years I have received the same old text book answers, which made it obvious that the individuals were just not prepared to examine my simple questions or analyse their answers prior to replying.
I have made many claims which I could have backed up if necessary, surely the least that should have been done to challenge me, was to repeat the experiments which I described in ample detail, then, and only then could I have been told if I was mistaken or not, rather than suffer plain disbelief, due to ignorance of the facts.
That’s the kind of science none of us needs.
Ram, I hope you build a machine to the description I posted and you will advance by 10 years in a single move. You will also be able to confirm many of my claims.
To quote Glenn Hawkins recent posting, in slightly different words, there has been far too much non productive talking and not enough experimenting.
That is so true. Hang on in there Glenn, and “Hold on tight to your dream” as the old ELO song goes.
I agreed with very little of the stuff you posted Luis, but accept my thanks for posting what most others were more than likely thinking.
My advice to all genuine experimenters is to make sure that this remains just a hobby for you, because if it becomes an obsession as it did with me, it will end up controlling a large portion of your life, and remember at the end of the day achieving acceptance is almost impossible. Anyone need a tee-shirt?
Webmaster Glenn it is a long time since we met, a bit prior to you setting up this site. You did a good job sir. Surely the best around? Keep up the good work.
Best regards to Nitro and Momentus, I may not always have agreed 100% with the pair of you, but I have the greatest respect for you.
Nitro I shall miss your brand of humour.
I know your real identities, but I will respect your privacy.
If you are still reading this stuff Dave S, kind regards to yourself. You have been a bit quiet of late, maybe you have just been sensible and given it all up.
This website has been interesting and it has been great fun, besides I can still access the site now and again, and take note of any developments.
Goodbye and good luck to you all, in your endeavours.
Nearly forgot. Luis there have been 4 machines built by myself, which in private laboratories or in university laboratories have produced varying levels of inertial thrust. There have been many other successful devices which were not subjected to laboratory testing.
There are also certified documents of proof which I can probably find, if I search around for them, it was so long ago, 20 years plus. The VIPAC lab report in my book was copied from one of them.
Date: 5 December 2007
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Answers (Ordered by Date)

Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 05/12/2007 14:12:56
 Hi Sandy,

I think your post is beautifully written and interesting beyond machines. It is human. It is also a little sad. You might consider a few short posts now and then if you find that you like. If anyone disagrees we can easily ignored it. I know I’ve learned to bite it pretty hard sometimes, when I knew I could have won an argument going away. Enough of that. I’m sorry I ever argued with Momentus and Nitro.

I’m saying goodbye and saying that I have learned to like you, but I hope to hear from you a little bit now and then anyway.


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Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 05/12/2007 14:59:05
Thank you. I love that sound.

This is for everybody. It was mine. I’ve related to it through the long years. It’s a bit like what your IP mind eventually goes through. You’ll understand. And, it is especially appropriate for you at this time, Sandy.

Windmills of Your Mind
(Noel Harrison)

Round like a circle in a spiral like a wheel within a wheel
Never ending on beginning on an ever-spinning reel
Like a snowball down a mountain or a carnival balloon
Like a carousel that's turning running rings around the moon
Like a clock whose hands are sweeping past the minutes on its face
And the world is like an apple spinning silently in space
Like the circles that you find In the windmills of your mind
Like a tunnel that you follow to a tunnel of its own
Down a hollow to a cavern where the sun has never shone
Like a door that keeps revolving in a half-forgotten dream
Like the ripples from a pebble someone tosses in a stream
Like a clock whose hands are sweeping past the minutes on its face
And the world is like an apple spinning silently in space
Like the circles that you find
In the windmills of your mind

Keys that jingle in your pocket
Words that jangle in your head
Why did summer go so quickly?
Was it something that I said?
Lovers walk along a shore
And leave their footprints in the sand
Was the sound of distant drumming
Just the fingers of your hand?
Pictures hanging in a hallway
Or the fragment of a song
Half-remembered names and faces
But to whom do they belong?
When you knew that it was over
Were you suddenly aware
That the autumn leaves were turning
To the color of her hair?
Like a circle in a spiral
Like a wheel within a wheel
Never ending or beginning
On an ever-spinning reel
As the images unwind
Like the circles that you find
In the windmills of your mind

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Answer: Harry K. - 07/12/2007 10:45:27
 I wish you all the best for the future, Sandy! :-)

Best regards,
Harry K.

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Answer: Luis Gonzalez - 13/12/2007 22:24:12
Your experiments and statements have stimulated deeper thinking in his subject.
I will miss you.

Best Regards,

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Answer: Stephen Wilson - 19/01/2008 23:16:26
 Sandy, my wife bought me your book for christmas second hand off Amozon. I have just finished it, I am 51yrs old and belive it or not it is the first book I have ever read front to back, I realy enjoyed it, every page of it. I would like to say that you have been an insperation to the cause and your legacy will help to take like minded people forward in their pursuit of descovering the answer to gyroscopic propulsion.
I wish you all the best for your retirement and know you will not forget others still experimenting, you never know the answer could be just around the corner.
Best Regards

Stephen Wilson
One of the potential Inventors of the Gyro Thruster, keep watching this site.

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Answer: Anthony Grant - 31/01/2008 20:45:21
 Sandy, Have just read your answer, and I woold love to know if you have managed yo download my gyro spaceship drawing as sent to you by my son. I am sure you will be surprised as this incorporates a lot of your basic thoughts on Gyros, also my web site does try to explain my own theories that future Gyros will be based on spinning laser ,or similar light rays which do have Mass,and can move up to the Speed of Light.,whichich is the drawback for 'Nomal Materials'. Anyway, Iplease have a look, and please let me know, It's been 10 years trying to get the drawing to you. All the best. Anthony Grant.

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Answer: Link S. - 06/02/2008 19:11:46
 "An individual has made the comment that there is no maths to back up my claims, and that everything must agree with the accepted laws of motion. "

" Mankind does not know one half of one percent of anything"
Thomas A. Edison

Why is it that whenever mankind finds something new we believe we know it all. many things work in math bacause the variables are so small in number. We have not even begun to know all the laws of motion out there so whos to say that there is no math to back a claim. Yes everything must agree with natural laws but we do not know which laws there are that it has to agree with. Never allow anyone to say that there is no math or science to back a claim all this means is there is no current math or science to explain it.

Link S.

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Answer: EDH - 28/02/2008 04:21:25
 Thank you Sandy for your important contributions over the years. I only regret that I'm entering this forums just after your exit. I know it's time for you to let go, but I have to tell you this since you are the one that got most of us started.

The first step in making this work is replacing the flywheel with a different geometric shape. As it turns out, flywheels produce a jagged disruptive coriolis force on the center of mass of the machine. When flywheels are replaced with another geometric form, the disruption disappears, and net thrust is achievable. Can you guess what it is?

Have fun in Egypt!


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