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Asked by: Glenn Hawkins
Subject: What!
Question: There is no end to this. When will we learn? There are a number of men worldwide who’ve spent twenty years, or more toying with this devil. Some of them, particularly in Russia with PhDs have research money and of course we’ve had our own most herald engineer of his day, Professor Liftwate (sp?) try to understand and prove this, or that. But what about us? We’ve tried as many different approaches as there have been individuals of us. Sometimes we argue over this, but argue over nothing else in our lives. We can even be rude and for what? We have been so much involved it supersedes our personality and absorbs too much of our thoughts and time and other area of our development. Boy, are we committed! And for what? The planet earth has failed to present an inertia propulsion device through the great effort of a great meany people, more than are on this site. Maybe it is not possible, you think? Yeah, that’s right, you maybe think?

I have been doing testing all week. Yes I have, very cleverly devised tests too and taking into account every conceivable possibility of this and that. What is nuts is not that none of them failed to prove propulsion, but that they did not prove there was no propulsion--- what! Keep repeating them, sometimes they do, sometimes they don’t---what!. I have determined something I’ve suspected for years. There is no cheap way to test. Acceptable tests and results would require $100,000. to $200,000. of uniquely engineered precision parts, strange looking parts never before built. I know how to design these parts and perhaps I could build for, far less, but at this point, on this day, do I even care? All the tests I had hoped to do failed during the last seven days.


Date: 16 January 2008
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Answers (Ordered by Date)

Answer: Link S. - 17/01/2008 19:09:15
 You give up to easy. yes it may be true that many hundreds of thousands of people are expirimenting with gyroscopic propulsion everyday. a great many with resources far greater than our own and with knowledge exceeding that of our wildest fantasies but as you said yourself expiriments prove unconclusive. That means we must find out what makes them act so differently atmospheric pressures wind resistans excess wind that the gyro itself throws off may even be a factor but I can tell you that there are cases in which gyros can cause propulsion. and you can prove it with a little more than $25 what you need is a tire from a bike a spinning platform and a high speed dremel or drill. you probably know what expiriment I mean you stand on the platform and bring the tire up to gyroscopic speeds with the dremel/drill. then just try to force it to slant one way or the other. the opposing forces propel you one way or the other and thus you are being propeled in a linear fasion. all you need to do is find a way to transfer from one plane to another the energy of the gyro. anyway don't lose hope thomas edison had much more to contend with with the lightbulb. he was up against the worlds most renown scientists with very little money too.
Hope this helps
Link S.

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Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 20/01/2008 02:14:47
 Dear S. Length,

I’m going to be kind, but direct. You are not competent to judgment me. You don't know me, or know my history, nor are you competent to advise me, nor any others here for that mater. I'm not going to detail your mistakes, but son half the time you don’t understand what you are talking about. If you are determined to enter this crackpot, wast-of-time world of mine first I recommend you obtain more knowledge.

Pease and happiness.

Kindest regards,

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Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 21/01/2008 22:42:42
 Dear S. Length,

Pardon me. My reply was unkind and unfair. You see some of those experiments I spoke of had taken shape over several years and were very important to me and then in the end they failed to prove anything, then you said I had given up to easy. If you only knew! Never the less excuse me. I was not myself. You deserve much better. I hope to see that you’re not deterred and keep posting away as much as you like.

By the way there was comment in your post about the importance of a particular method, I agree, that of finding how to alter the plane alignment of gyros. If you go to the propulsion section of this site you will see the heading, ‘How to accelerate the space inchworm’. There you will find your answer.

Good luck and hang in there.

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Answer: Link S. - 28/01/2008 19:01:18
 Glenn allow me to offer my appilogies if my response seemed critical of your abilities and/or expiriments this is by no means my intended meaning. First when I say that you give up too easy I mean that the science involving the gyroscope is immensly complex taking thousands of expiraments at least to prove even a circumstantial result. I have been studying gyroscopes for several years and though my use of the actual device is limited I have much of the science and mathematics worked out for hypothetical situations for simulators or other such contraptions. I must say that it sounds as though you are dedicated to your cause so please do not take my light criticisms to heart.
Link S.

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