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Asked by: Luis Gonzalez
Subject: An answer to “Does spin-deflection (precession) stop immediately when torque is removed?”
Question: This forum is a great place to hide esoteric knowledge about gyros. The correct answer, to the question asked in this thread, is explained openly in this forum. However, the answer may not be easily found, among the abundance of irrelevant, erroneous and misleading information; bits of wisdom are hidden in a sea of misunderstandings, confusions, and ranting.

So… why does the motion of spin-deflection (precession) appear to stop immediately, without apparent need to slowdown, when torque becomes absent?
Date: 3 March 2008
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Answers (Ordered by Date)

Answer: lobo noble - 30/04/2008 09:47:38

hi there,

I camed to find this website in the search of some vectorial formaulas, while having fun with the videos and stuff, i couln´t prevent myself of being atracted to your question, more specific to your comment.

let me apologize if anything i write along seems ofensive, thats not of my interest, yet im only sharing my point of view.

aparently ever from early days people who gained knowledge of nature and aplied or recreated it where not reverenced, as common thoughts, they were exclused feared even attacked by those who resist the change, but after a while they all of the sudden some of their teories camed accepted and those early scientist where given pedestals. Tesla, Newton, Galileo, Einstein, most of their teories are yet not accepted and in this scientist lifetime they where critiziesed as heretics, fanatics, retarded etc... now days they are considerated eminences of knowledge... another example, aztec "priests" or knowledge people, exploded their brothers ignorance to aquire a high social status, yet their knoledge and technology based in astronomy, or i should say astrology (amongst other), is still hardly reproduced in so called "computer age".

let us try not to be so harsh on those who are tempted to ride against waves. if it is accepted universe started by a spark... why shall we get nights out of sleep due to those spark riders anyway.

now to answer your question, just try to remember this giroscope exchanges the force aplied in one cartesian axis (x,y stuff) to another

1.when mass is aplied to inner ring, the spining disc (rimball i think) momentum tends to stay in its original spin track, given the newtons law of reaction there will be a gravital action in the mas and a reaction in oposite direction but in equal magnitude in the spining disc.

2. now since the both forces seem to cancel each other energy must go somewhere, rotation is transfered to the outer ring, direction depens on clockwise or counterclock spin of disc (if you accelerate outer ring you will see weight seems to stay in one side).

°°°°its extremly important to notice the transfer occurs due to outer ring contact with inner ring (center point or mechanical axis point i belive its called in english). Due to device friction, mass hanging from inner ring is actually falling, and spining disc is actually slowing by air friction and spinning disc suports friction only (not afected by rotational-gravital transfer directly)... of curse its almost imperceptible in the video short time°°°°°°°

3. when the mass hanging from inner ring disapears (catched) slow down actually occurs, except that decceleration does not ocurs in the commonly expected axis (outer ring torque), because its momentum is now transfered to its original axis(inner ring).

4. how ever there is something diferent, this time no external energy is applied to outer ring (torque), plus outer ring mas is balanced so do not expect to see inner ring rising, at least no more than its original position, in efect it raised but once again its hard to see naked eye. if you have the acces to a gyroscope repeat the process with a reasonable lever.

math should be no problem to you (it is for me) this burd physics should aid you as much they do to anyone else in any other subject.

this device does not defy unbrokable laws of physics, it only do very unexpected, mysterious godemonic-heretic stuff.

"order is nothing else but a chaotic disorder of chaos itself"-someone

never the less im only a engenieer student looking into natural science, law school is not in my plans yet.... jejeje.

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