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27 July 2024 08:55

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Updated Patents List
It would helpful to have an updated list of patents.
Asked on 1 November 2019 by Nate
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Asked on 3 July 2015 by HARVEY E. FIALA
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New search function
I tried the new search function, and got several pages listed as answers. However only the fist page could be accessed. Clicking the next page link produced a blank page. Is it me? or is it the sear ...
Asked on 26 February 2015 by Momentus
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missing videos / dns error?
The video links on the lecture page return DNS error, such as http://www.gyros.biz/lecture/wmv/9.wmv I assume the DNS error is an issue with gyros.biz .
Asked on 7 December 2014 by rcgldr
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 Would be nice if someone would resuscitate this site.
Asked on 18 June 2014 by jim demello
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I need to speak with the site manager. Please have Glen Turner contact me at tedpittman09@yahoo.com Thanks.
Asked on 10 April 2014 by Ted Pittman
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Inertial animal Navigation
Hello : Please check the section Scientific Theories in the website http://animalnav.org there an introduction to my quarter century old model of animal navigation is presented. Is based on accurate ...
Asked on 27 October 2013 by Antonio B. Nafarrate
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Asked on 16 September 2013 by HARVEY E FIALA
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Better Quality "Heretic" Episode
I have a better quality video of the Heretic episode, on which the experiments are clearly visible. They are kinda fuzzy on the video available on this site. The link is here: http://www.4shared. ...
Asked on 6 June 2012 by Duncan Cumming
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Units for density on Maths page?
On this page http://www.gyroscopes.org/math.asp what units is the density measurement given in? Pounds per liter? Grams per cubic centimeter?
Asked on 29 October 2011 by Stephen Mercer
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Human gyroscope section
The site needs a Human Gyro section because these posts are clogging up the forms that I know are intended for smaller experimental gyros.
Asked on 6 May 2011 by Chris Reynolds
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Need a wiki
The linear structure of this site does not lend itself to understand the connections among different aspects of this complex subject. A wiki would be easier to use. Best Regards, Luis G.
Asked on 25 October 2009 by Luis Gonzalez
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Photos for gallery
I have some photos of gyroscopes that are not in your gallery. Would you like copies? Arthur
Asked on 26 January 2009 by arthur lidsky
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nasty people
Dec. 23, 2008 I see three ringtone messages have been left on this post. . . http://www.gyroscopes.org/forum/questions.asp?id=1005 . . . . but on no other post here. They left this address ...
Asked on 23 December 2008 by Glenn Hawkins
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Structural vibration control in civil engineering by using Gyroscope
I am studying on Structural vibration control in civil engineering by using Gyroscope. Can you inform me the people who have been studying this matter?
Asked on 29 August 2008 by Quang
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Where are my mirror sites?
In Googling my 11 year public experiment on inertial propulsion, code named "GIT", and "update34.htm", I got one hit, this site. Open.org shut me down, and I've not been able to publically relate ...
Asked on 18 August 2008 by David Eugene Cowlishaw
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Forum Search feature
The search feature does not work in the forum. Search can be a very helpful tool to find previous similar postings. Best Regards, Luis
Asked on 30 June 2008 by Luis Gonzalez
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The lecture should be available in Google Videos and Youtube
I am in Puerto Rico, the Caribbean. The videos took a decent amount of time to download. If you send me an email giving me permission, I can compile them and publish them in both sites with a ref ...
Asked on 23 March 2008 by Angel Cruz
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Search Capability is not working
Forum's search capability does not provide results. This is a helpful feature in finding relevant information. Thank You, Luis Gonzalez
Asked on 23 February 2008 by Luis Gonzalez
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I really love the topic, but my english is not soo good with the technical words, It would be great to have some other languagues to choose from -like spanish- = ). Maybe asking some of the forum ...
Asked on 23 June 2007 by Ernesto Chávez
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Thank you for the site
I have looked on the internet for years to see if others like me have made any headway in the rotary motion propulsion field. Your site with the patents was very up lifting to finally find, though non ...
Asked on 23 May 2007 by Steve Hodges
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"recently answered questions"
Webmaster. Can you find a way to re-implement "recently answered questions" without them being attacked by ringtones? I never realized how useful and needed this category was until it was gone. ...
Asked on 28 November 2006 by Glenn Hawkins
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addition on forum page lists
I first posted this under another thread, but it may not have been noticed: could you include the date of the last response some how on 'list' page in each catagory (e.g. Gyroscopic Propulsion ...
Asked on 3 November 2006 by phase
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Recent posting priority.
Glenn Just a simple suggestion. Is it possible to prioritise the most recent active threads by last posting. An indication of the last posts date would be good, alternatively if the listing gave ...
Asked on 3 July 2006 by DaveS
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Inertial Navigation
How can the gyroscope technology be implemented in strapdown inertial navigation, for instance, in pipeline inspection pigging tools?
Asked on 25 May 2006 by Ali Nabi
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how many?
With a read counter it would be interesting to learn how many visits each post receives.
Asked on 30 October 2005 by Glenn Hawkins
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how many?
With a read counter it would be interesting to learn how many visits each post receives.
Asked on 29 October 2005 by Glenn Hawkins
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A way to find people to collaborate with on Gyro-propulsion
Can you squeeze into your website anl area where interested parties can look over each other’s experience in the effort to build a gyro propulsion machine? Hopefully we can identify what different ind ...
Asked on 28 August 2005 by Luis Gonzalez
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Question about Maths page
Webmaster: Thanks for an informative web site. Thanks especially for the excellent Maths page and the collection of links. Question: On the first Maths page, what is the unit used in the "Density ...
Asked on 31 July 2005 by Martin Schmidt
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Please include some everyday language in your "glossary" section The terms you have in there now are not very complete, and are not easily understandable. Also please include more terms Including "nut ...
Asked on 7 June 2005 by Mark Larson
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Reformatting forum?
Webmaster, I feel that if it is at all possible, the forum would be more useful if you could organize "recently answered questions" to provide the latest answers at the top of the list, regardles ...
Asked on 4 May 2005 by Eric James -----
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info on MEMS and MOEMS gyro
first of all i would like to tel that u hav a great informative site but i feel it still lacks information on MEMS (Micro -Electro-Machanical-Systems) gyro also on the latest MOEMS (Micro -Opto-Electr ...
Asked on 1 May 2005 by harini sreenivasappa
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Test with subscripts, superscripts, and Greek Characters
The following is a test to see how subscripts, superscripts, and Greek Characters will show up. tipu = α60 / ωp = (2 π 60 / 360) / (2 L g / R2 ωS ) d = 2 L sinα = 2 ...
Asked on 13 March 2005 by Harvey Fiala
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RIGB Christmas lectures
Glenn Tuner hello, There seems to have been a series of RIGB Christmas lectures, three before the one presented with a promise of more to follow. What are the chances of obtaining all of them? If ...
Asked on 10 March 2005 by Glenn Hawkins
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gyroscope equation symbols
Can anyone tell me what it would take to get text in this forumn to correctly represent subscripts and superscripts? _________________ It should require just a broader set of fonts like they have in " ...
Asked on 7 January 2005 by Harvey Fiala
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The device identified as a gyrocompass on your site, is not a gyrocompass but most likely a directional gyroscope. As you know, a gyrocompass indicates true north. A directional gyro has to be conti ...
Asked on 5 October 2004 by Ralf E. Dieckmann
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My last seems to have been misread
Dear Webmaster, Instead of removing the inadvertent multiple identical replies of mine I refered to, you seem to have removed someone elses reply instead - perhaps you thought my multiple replies ...
Asked on 6 May 2004 by Nitro MacMad
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multi replies/gyro demo
Dear Webmaster, My answer to Luke Cliffords of 2nd May received a failed to send screen causing me to multi send. could you please save me looking a bigger prat than I am (no mean feat in itself) ...
Asked on 4 May 2004 by Nitro MacMad
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Can't make postings
I get error '8004020f' /forum/general.inc, line 46 when I try to post an answer. It would be useful for me and others here to know why. Maybe part of the system is down for backups? (it is ...
Asked on 20 September 2003 by Mike Hardman
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