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27 July 2024 13:58

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maybe controlling precession is great idea hmmm
check this video https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Im2mNnWZ5Oc
Asked on 27 July 2019 by d brown
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another reason to precess upwards
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ddGRWfvYwZU# Again this is not my video. Because the bearings are garbage, the spin is given to the frame, and because of the slower rate of precession needed for ...
Asked on 29 June 2019 by d brown
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its where you hold it
This video which is not mine demonstrates what I mean by holding it not at the Pivot Point of the gyroscope, so the gyroscope's pivot point is like it's going to make a larger Circle but you're stood ...
Asked on 29 June 2019 by d brown
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water ring
A ring of circulating water, preferably very small chambers but many chambers making up the ring, should work as a gyroscope and the water could be redirected rather quickly without losing its momentu ...
Asked on 28 June 2019 by d brown
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Energy trapped in time
If we observe the gyroscope as aging slower and slower the faster it spins, are we not trapping energy in time? To be used later as it slows? And to what extent can we abuse that? I've youtub ...
Asked on 8 May 2019 by d brown
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Topple and drift for vertical and horizontal axis gyroscope
Please explain topple and drift in case of vertical and horizontal axis gyroscopes as I am not able to find an easy explanation for the same
Asked on 3 December 2018 by arjungolfy
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Special mechanics of the gyroscope
Special mechanics of the gyroscope By Glenn Marion Hawkins This is a complete description of the mechanical aspects of precession, of how and why gyroscopes function including that which had re ...
Asked on 18 November 2018 by Glenn Hawkins
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Interesting article on inertia and gyroscopes
There was a fascinating article called "The Forgotten Mystery of Inertia" by Tony Rothman published in the November/December 2017 issue of the American Scientist. Dr. Rothman currently teaches Applied ...
Asked on 28 June 2018 by JCTurner
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Slingshot theory of propulsionless space travel
Greetings! There is a new propulsionless space travel method that is being debated at 4chan in the past 2 weeks, not reaching consensus. Naysayers go for 'it breaks physics', yaysayers go for 'en ...
Asked on 6 June 2018 by Virtual Universe
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North Finding
Hi: I just got a book that has a collection of the papers of Léon Foucault and have a friend helping me translate them. I'm trying to get a gyroscope to align it's spin axis with the Earth's sp ...
Asked on 14 August 2015 by Brooke Clarke
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Why is a gyroscope's precession fastest at 45 degrees?
I did an experiment in which I varied the starting angle of elevation of a gyroscope. I noticed that at 45 degrees, the precessional period (amount of time to perform one spin) is the lowest, while at ...
Asked on 1 February 2015 by Jenny Jenkins
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Speed of Main Structure
This is a great math calculation. Thanks. I have some questions about : Number of the cut outs => this means left and right, so there are only 2 cutouts possible? What does the main structure mean ...
Asked on 11 December 2014 by drieke
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Do you know the Giroscope Technik used in a Motor Engine?
Do You Know the Giroscope Concept Tech Works in a Motor Engine? State of the Art / Novel Rotary-Turbo-InFlow Tech / Featured Development - GEARTURBINE PROJECT Have the similar basic system of the ...
Asked on 23 September 2014 by Carlos Barrera
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Dynamic model of a gyroscope actuator
Good afternoon, I would like to stabilise a platform (hung from the ceiling on a guimbal) in any orientation using 3 orthogonal fast spinning flywheels. To determine how big the flywheels need to ...
Asked on 28 May 2014 by Greg M.
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Self balancing gyro bike
Hello everyone. I tried to make a self balancing bike based on gyroscopic effect. First, I designed the frame for it with wheels(two). The total length of the setup is 1250 mm. Then, I made a ga ...
Asked on 23 March 2014 by gamingmaster
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Self balancing gyro bike
Hello everyone. I tried to make a self balancing bike based on gyroscopic effect. First, I designed the frame for it with wheels(two). The total length of the setup is 1250 mm. Then, I made a ga ...
Asked on 23 March 2014 by gamingmaster
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balancing of bike by gyroscope
how do by using two gyscopes we can self balance the two wheeler???//?what is the mass and force relation??
Asked on 9 March 2014 by surabhi adoni
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Satellite orienting w/ 3 gyros
Problem Statement: A satellite has 3 motorized gyros, one centered in each of the x,y,z axis'. There is a shift in the y-z plane of (theta)=15 degrees, from time 1 (t1) to time 2 (t2). Which gy ...
Asked on 1 May 2013 by Nathan Kingsland
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about design
what is the basic design of gyroscope like how the weight is to be taken and turning moment
Asked on 23 April 2013 by ajal patel
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Hi Dears, My first question is that if we apply a torque (tilting torque) to a gyroscope system (gyroscope and its frame), what would be the output? Torque or angular velocity? The second question ...
Asked on 16 April 2013 by SH. YAZDANI
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Hi Dears, My first question is that if we apply a torque (tilting torque) to a gyroscope system (gyroscope and its frame), what would be the output? Torque or angular velocity? The second question ...
Asked on 15 April 2013 by SH. YAZDANI
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If we spin the flywheel in the Gyroscope with 5W of power. Then, moving the gyro to get max counterforce, can we get 5W (or more) from counterforce before the flywheel stops running? Respecting the fa ...
Asked on 5 April 2013 by rob
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gyroscopes to stedy a free floating object
If Iwanted to stedy an object that weighs 5 lbs how heavy of a gyroscope would I need
Asked on 31 March 2013 by Mike Harwell
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Can i use the math page in my degree?
I am an engineering student in my final year, and one of my modules is a Final year project, (To design and build in scale, a gyroscopically balanced two wheeled vehicle). The Math channel on this sit ...
Asked on 25 January 2013 by vinny mattei
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what voltage and cycles to power my Gyroscope?
I have an ex military very old (WW11 I think!) bronze gyroscope. not sure if its powered by air or electricity.its got tubes which could be air or lubricant feeds. also has three terminals wired to th ...
Asked on 23 December 2012 by Keith Robinson
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Question for Scott Strachan: Time Reversed Light
I am interested in your opinion of the effects of time-reversed light on the melting point of silica quartz, and it's resulting crystalization. Would the laser strengthen the bonds in the lattice ...
Asked on 13 December 2012 by Melvin Kamisato
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Physics Car
Hi, Im in a honors physics class and we were instructed to build a mechanical physics car built out of spare parts and I was wondering if i were to use a gyroscopes center attatched to the axis of my ...
Asked on 9 December 2012 by Lindsey Smith
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Simulation Project
Hey... We have a college project ,, its a simulation project....Can you give us a reference or a book or a text has the full physics to make a simulation for a Gyroscope... I'm waiting for you... we'r ...
Asked on 29 October 2012 by Nadeem Hajouj
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NASA Responds to Mechanical Antigravity
This is not a question. All interested parties should read the 2006 NASA report at http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/20070004897_2007004127.pdf One third of the report is tit ...
Asked on 28 August 2012 by Ted Pittman
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Please help
A ships rotor of mass 400kg and radius of gyration is 282.9mm the rotor runs at w=150 and the precessed at 2.1 rad/s if the angular velocity is 1000 rad/s and v=250m/s calculate the force on bearings ...
Asked on 23 July 2012 by Mayur bhairoparsad
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state the underlying principle of rocket
Asked on 19 July 2012 by Raihan ahmed
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Hi, I need to ask a question about the orientation of gyroscopes and what is possible. It's easier to explain my question by reference to a diagram, but I'll have a go to explain in words what I'm t ...
Asked on 12 April 2012 by R
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use of gyroscope in robot...
I m planning to construct a small two wheeled bot and in order o maintain balance i want to use the gyroscope in balancing. but the problem i face is that when the gyroscope is mounted in the middle o ...
Asked on 7 April 2012 by aryan
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How to calculate speed?
If you add or subtract mass (weight) from the outer edge of a gyro, what is the calculation to determine the new speed of the spin of the gyro. Another question, like in the merry-go-round analag ...
Asked on 18 October 2011 by Eagle
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vibrationAl , frequency information
Just wondering if there is any data on how gyroscope vibrations effect humans.
Asked on 11 October 2011 by greagreatgranddaughter
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Gyroscope in steadicam
Dear fellow Gyro-lovers, I am about to finish my highschool, but before that I have to do a research or should do an invention on specific subjects. Now my idea was to make a steadicam (a mechani ...
Asked on 30 June 2011 by Mark
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convention currents
Could gyroscopic forces be in action, for convention currents? (currents that move due to changes in heat) eg. in the magma beneth the earth's crust? or oil's dispersion of heat within an xray tube's ...
Asked on 23 May 2011 by alishaj hoban
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Minimum Angular Momentum
What should be the minimum angular momentum for a disc with a certain fixed Moment of inertia and a certain frictional torque acting about its precession axis? Since a slow spinning disc does not prec ...
Asked on 1 May 2011 by Anthony Joseph
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How to model a gyro signal
Hello, now I am doing a project of Beam tracking systems. I'll use DCM algorithm in the IMU. First I need to give some gyro signals, i.e. modeling the gyro signal, Omega_x, Omega_y, and Omega_z, as we ...
Asked on 31 March 2011 by Sheng Zhang
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How does the transverse Mass moment of Inertia of the setup affect precession velocity in Gyroscopes
At the site "http://videolectures.net/mit801f99_lewin_lec24/" The professor sits on a rotatable stool with a spinning bicycycle wheel in his hand. The axis of spin of the wheel and that of the stool a ...
Asked on 8 February 2011 by Jyothsna
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Magnetic gyroscope
If you made a gyroscope magnetic and somehow drop a piece of metal into the center would it just float there?
Asked on 28 June 2010 by Traver Thompson
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The angle of precession
lets say we have a simple disk gyroscope with a thin spindle, this gyroscope is suspended at one end with a string, the torque caused by gravity will cause the top to precess. Here's the question: As ...
Asked on 13 May 2010 by Nate S
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w5io6q gskbxhlrccfb, [url=http://uoculyukskod.com/]uoculyukskod[/url], [link=http://qerygiabhmuf.com/]qerygiabhmuf[/link], http://tkjuwoyjngxc.com/
Asked on 2 February 2010 by jhhvyskqv
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external force and torque effects on gyro velocity
I want to know if tilting forces cause rotation damping or decreasing rotation velocity on gyros? i mean do external forces and torques produce opposite torque against gyros along its axis?
Asked on 5 January 2010 by SUNNY
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wheels gyro effect in bike cornering
Hi, guys my question is how to assess the bike wheels' precession effect when in corner? Here are my assumption in brief. If a bike enters a curve with radius R, traveling with speed V, tha ...
Asked on 3 October 2009 by George Ivanov
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electromagnetic concept of phase conjugation
hi is scott strachan still contactable here? i have a completely unrelated question i would like to ask...... thanks nina
Asked on 25 September 2009 by nina
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2 masses of equal weights are kept on a beam balance that is frictionless.one of them slidesw down.what is the force acting on the other mass when no work is done and it is in a stable condition?
Asked on 8 September 2009 by anu varghese
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2 masses of equal weights are kept on a beam balance that is frictionless.one of them slidesw down.what is the force acting on the other mass when no work is done and it is in a stable condition?
Asked on 8 September 2009 by anu varghese
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2 masses of equal weights are kept on a beam balance that is frictionless.one of them slidesw down.what is the force acting on the other mass when no work is done and it is in a stable condition?
Asked on 8 September 2009 by anu varghese
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Reason for Gyroscope's peculiar behaviour
Dear Recipient, I have to prepare an assignment on Gyroscopes - the reason for peculiar behaviour, applications, types. Since many days I have been trying to understand Gyroscopes and I do know the ba ...
Asked on 7 September 2009 by Dhruv Chadha
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